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Universal Law Network
Uniting professionals to provide real solutions to your problems

One Vision - One Mission - One People - One Planet

By working with UNILAW NETWORK, you get more than professional legal representation. Founded in 1996, we are a full service Legal services provider uniting professionals globally to provide real solutions to your real problems, often for free.
The next generation of law firms will concentrate on serving you personally and providing the basics through AI for free, leaving humans to do what we do best - understand your situation and find fast and effective solutions. We’re waiting for your call.

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Home: Services


We have the knowledge and experience to meet and exceed your expectations and offer a variety of services customized to fit your specific needs. Learn more about what we offer below.

Team Meeting
Business Meeting
Making Notes

FREE Consultation

Personal Services

AI Legal Services Platform



Its not just the Little Things

UNILAW give me much of the forms and basic legal services I need for free but when the problems arise I know I can talk to a professional to find a solution from anywhere in the world

Home: Testimonial

Get in Touch

86-90 Paul Street, EC2A 4NE, London, Greater London, England

+44 3300272174

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Home: Contact
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